
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Back to reality...

Back to reality. My reality. What does that really mean? I've just returned from a third world country back to my safe and comfortable home, where the refrigerator is full, the pantry is stocked. We have 2 cars in the driveway that can take us wherever we want to go and enough money for fuel. Our daughter has more than enough clothes to wear and she always has shoes. Clean, safe water flows from our tap whenever we want it. Our doctors office is just a few minutes away should one of us become ill and we have health insurance that we usually complain about. I returned to work the Monday I got back, to my stable, comfortable job where I collect a paycheck every two weeks. This is my reality. But, It turns out, this is not reality for most of the world.

Every single day, about 925 MILLION people go to bed hungry.
Without adequate nutrition just to survive.

1.4 BILLION people live on less than $1.25 per day. 
The average American spends around $100 per day.

22,000 children die EVERY SINGLE DAY due to poverty.

Children in developing countries are 13 times more likely to die before the age of 5

So, in fact, reality is not at all what I came home to. Reality is what I just left. Reality is that millions of women and children spend hours upon hours each day collecting water to drink, or clean with. Water that could give their baby dysentery or their husband parasites. A curable sickness that they do not have the resources to treat. So they die. Just another number in some remote village across the world far, far away from my view of "reality". The truth is that billions of people struggle to come up with that $1.25 to get them through the day. They struggle to provide a meal that has no nutritional value, but will simply keep their families alive another day. Their kids don't have shoes, or beds, or mosquito nets to protect them from malaria. They don't go to school because they have to work in the field to collect food to stay alive. Then they don't get the education that could help lead them out of that vicious cycle. They don't have access to basic health care or the education that could decrease the infant mortality rate, the maternal mortality rate as well as the overall life expectancy. Reality is that there are entire villages and cities leaving their modest homes to find refuge from militias and dictators. Reality is that thousands of people are dying every day because of food shortages. Reality is that thousand of people die every day from preventable and treatable diseases. Reality is that there are children all over the world being sold into sex slavery and there are people sick enough to pay to use them.

I prayed for the Lord to break my heart for what breaks His. Well here it is. How can I not be grieved by this reality? How can I not be heartbroken when I have looked into the eyes of the children that call this reality every. single. day? I have been there. I have seen that. And now, I am accountable for what I have seen. I can no longer sit in my comfort zone and forget what happens in the corners of the earth. Or pretend it doesn't exist.  I am not ignoring the fact that we have poverty, starvation, and human trafficking in our very own back yard. There are certainly needs in our city, state and nation. Pray that the Lord will show you where he wants you to serve. What place, what people group, what specific “reality” is breaking your heart? I believe as Christians and as "The Church" we have missed, excused and ignored the commands we were given to serve.

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.' Then the righteous will answer him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you? And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'

We see it over and over again in scripture that we are to be humble servants. We are to serve "the least of these". We are to speak up for the poor and weak. We are to feed the hungry and give water to the thirsty. We are to go into ALL the nations and make disciples. Disciples, not converts. We are to give until it hurts. Give with sacrifice. We will be rewarded if we do not give up, that’s God’s promise!

 Who will you love for Him today? Will you dare to pray for the Lord to break your heart for what breaks his? Will you allow yourself to be bothered, convicted, uncomfortable by this reality?

Monday, July 23, 2012


I stayed several days in the missionary guesthouse in Lusaka, while the rest of the group was in the bush. It was really nice to get to see that side of the mission field. I met several families and I was able to visit with them about what they do and where they live. On Thursday I flew from Lusaka to Mfuwe to meet up with the rest of the group. They picked me up from the airport after quite an adventurous plane ride. We began the 30 minute drive to the rental house we are staying in. I will never forget the drive from the airport to the house because when we were here last year, it was my first taste of Africa. The first time I was really immersed in their lives. We made it to the rental house which is apparently the cool place for baboons to hang out. Since we have been in Mfuwe, we have hosted a choir festival where we first discussed worship and what that means and what it should and shouldn't be. Then, we had 8 choir perform for us. I am just in awe of the talent they naturally have here! After being at the church for about 7 hours we went back to the house to freshen up and head to Flat Dogs for dinner. That Is where we stayed last year and they have a great restaurant. It is always a nervous walk when you go at night because you have to have a guard walk with you since the hippos come out of the river at night. The following day, we went back to church we were at the day before for the regular Sunday service. I was so happy to see a sweet couple I met last year and to find out they have had a baby! I taught the kids and shared my testimony and my Dad preached. We really enjoyed spending a couple of days with this group and loving on all the sweet kids! When we finished at church we headed to flat dogs for lunch and the evening safari! When pulled up to Flat Dogs there were elephants in the camp. We sat outside by the river where we learned the reason for the term "monkey around." We also watched the hippos in the river. We boarded the truck to head out for the safari and just about 30 minutes into the trip the guide turned off the truck for us to watch an elephant. When he tried to turn it back on it wouldn't start. They ended up pushing our truck down a hill to get us started again. A few minutes later another guide pulled up with a new truck for us to get in. Shortly after that is when we came upon a group of trucks watching something. Then we saw a leopard in the grass! It will go down as one of the coolest experiences in my life! We watched her for several minutes when a bushbuck began barking which alerted her. She then began to cross the road we were on and she laid under our truck! Mike could see the ticks on her back she was so close! She finally came out from under our truck and went to try to find that bushbuck. We saw a lot of different animals and we stopped on the banks of the river to watch the sunset. It was a beautiful red sunset! After our sunset stop we found some giraffe. It is so neat to watch them run. I don't know how they get all those lanky legs in sync! It gets dark and cold pretty quickly so we started looking with the spotlight. Not long into the night portion of our safari, we stopped the truck and turned off the light because the guide smelled something dead. We sat for several minutes in the dark and silence of the African plains. Pretty awesome. They started the truck again but the spotlight would not work this time. The guys spent quite a while trying to get it started again and put their boys out skills to the test. But it didn't work! So, we got in another truck to finish our drive. We had a great time and enjoyed seeing all of God's creatures! We came back to the house and our attendants had a beautifully set table and a dinner of grilled zebra with rice and salad. We woke up this morning and sat on the back porch and watched a bunch of elephant and giraffe. We were sad to leave mfuwe this morning. We enjoyed working with Mike, Lindy, Lari, Enjovu and Amai Justine and we look forward to the next time! We made it back to Lusaka this morning where we have spent the day enjoying the Internet and visiting the the full time missionaries that work here in Lusaka. Tomorrow we are going to the Zambian market and I am looking forward to coffee at Mugg & Bean! Then tomorrow night we will leave Lusaka at 11:30 to head home! Please continue to pray for our group as they continue to work in Mfuwe for the next few days. And please pray for us as we travel home, I am praying that I don't have as much trouble as I did in the way over here! See you all soon!

Friday, July 20, 2012

He speaks

I have decide that you have not truly lived until you have read your Bible by lantern in the middle of the night in Africa. The Lord has really been stirring my soul in the months leading up to this trip. And the stirring has not stopped yet. If you are wondering if or how God speaks to people today. Let me share.

- I felt a sudden urge to open my bible and memorize James 1:2-4 a week before we were to leave for Zambia. "consider it pure joy my brothers when you face trials of many kinds. For the testing of your FAITH develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work in you so that you may be mature and complete not lacking anything." This verse became engraved on my heart just days before my FAITH would be tested by airport delays, a paralyzing fear of flying, anxiety of leaving my family, and the emotion and fear that accompanies being sick in another country. He spoke to me then.

- in the midst of great anxiety while sick in the middle of the night in Zambia. I allowed fear to consume me. For a moment I threw my faith out the window and allowed God's promises to be diluted by my anxious thoughts. But before I knew I would have those thoughts, He knew. He spoke. The 2 days I was traveling I was literally singing " Search me, oh God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Psalm 139: 23-24. He searched me. He showed me my anxious thoughts and the places in my heart that I was not fully trusting in Him. It took traveling 10,000 miles to see how little FAITH I really had. He spoke to me then.

- In the midst of the anxiety and fear the night I was sick I turned on one of my favorite worship songs "healer" and turned to my grandmother's favorite Psalm. Psalm 91:14-16 " If you"ll hold on to me for dear life, says God, I'll get you out of any trouble. I'll give you the best of care if you'll only get to know and trust me. Call me and I'll answer, be at your side in bad times; I'll rescue you, then throw you a party. I'll give you a long life, give you the drink of salvation!" wow. My fear and anxiety began to flee and I was able to just hold on to Him for dear life. That is not something that my comfortable little life allows me to do very often. The Lord knew he would have to get me far away from the things and people I rely on for trust and comfort to show me that I didn't have as much FAITH as I thought I did. Humbling.

These are just a few of the ways I have heard His voice. Seen His fingerprints. Felt His presence. I have not taught a single lesson in the 5 days since I left home to go teach the people of Zambia. That's what I came here to do. But the Lord had much different plans for me. He had so much more to teach me. So, in case you were wondering, He still speaks. We just have to be still and quiet.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

What an adventure!

I had breakfast in Paris and dinner somewhere between Kenya and Zambia. Today I have seen the Alps, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Sahara Desert. I always love the opportunity to marvel at God's creation. We are about to arrive in Lusaka Zambia after flying for the over 24 hours. We are very ready for a shower and our first chance to lay down! This is the third flight we have been on since we left home, but not our last. tomorrow morning we will go back to the airport to catch our flight from Lusaka to Mfuwe, then we will drive for about 3 hours to Mwanya! I am so excited to see the rest of our group and hear their stories as well as share ours.

I wrote that while on the flight from Kenya to Zambia. My excitement Quickly changed upon our arrival. Once We made it through customs we found out that 2 of our 4 bags had been lost. We finally made it through the line of others that had also lost luggage. We seemed to be the last ones to leave the airport. we arrived at our hotel to rest for a few hours and go back to the airport to head to mfuwe and Mwanya. Once we settled into our room it was around 1 am here in Zambia and I started feeling really bad. After I showered I noticed that my legs were really hard and swollen. They had started bothering me when were in Paris. I tried to drink a lot of water and keep moving around while we were on the plane. I think the combination of exhaustion, nausea, and the fear that something may be really wrong with me sent me into a slight panic. Oh and not to mention all of this is happening in a third world country! The Hotel had a doctor and a nurse on call. We spoke with the doctor and he told us there was nothing the could be done until morning. They sent the nurse up to check my vitals. I had had fever off and on and my blood pressure was high. By early morning I started vomiting. We took a taxi to the doctor. That visit was answered prayers! It went so much better than I was expecting! There were several Egyptian doctors and I was very pleased with my treatment. They ruled out thrombosis and said it was just
edema. And said I probably had a virus. We were finally able to get a hold of Mike to tell him what was goin on. He had just come out of the bush to pick us up for the second time, and for the second time we were not there! He helped us reach the other missionaries that work here in Lusaka. We felt much better at that point to have some familiar faces around! We made the decision that my Dad would take the first flight out the next day to meet up with Mike in Mfuwe and drive out to the bush in Mwanya. I am staying at the missionary guesthouse in Lusaka for a couple of days and then I will fly to mfuwe to meet up with the group! We figured that would be the safest option for me since there is not distilled water or a doctor in Mwanya.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Take 2

Consider it pure joy my brothers, when you face trials of many kinds. For the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work in you so that you can be mature and complete, not lacking anything. - James 1:2-4 This was the verse that I felt the need to memorize last Sunday while driving to lunch after church. I didn't realize why I would need it later in the week. We made it home safe and sound last night. I was just as emotional walking in the door as I was walking out the door 12 hour earlier. Though I clearly saw the Lord's hand in everything that transpired yesterday, there was grief in my heart the we would not be going to Zambia. I kept seeing the smiling faces of the people my heart was longing to see again. Would I ever have the opportunity to go again? Don't get me wrong, I was very happy to be home with Chris and Emma after such an emotional day. I couldn't help but think about how I was going to have to tell the whole emotional story each time someone asked about our trip to Zambia. We had a quiet morning and headed out for breakfast for my little family of three. At one point in the car, Emma started crying because I was not going to be able to make it to Africa. She folded her hands and began to pray, " God, please let Mommy go to Africa, amen." I'm so thankful for my sweet girl. It is moment like that when I feel like my heart could explode with love for her that I am reminded that the Lord loves her even more than I am capable of. I know her sweet prayer filled His heart this morning. We then head over to my parents house to visit and and see if my Dad had been able to get ahold of anyone from our team in Zambia. They were already out in the bush were there is no way to reach anyone on the phone. Mike (the missionary we work with) was scheduled to be at a safari lodge soon since he thought he would be picking us up the following morning. At this point, my Dad has not given up and he has been looking at every possible way to get us to Zambia. Once we were able to tAlk to Mike, he tells us it won't be a problem for us to come a few days late. Open door. Next step, get on the phone with the airline. My Dad was on the phone for almost an hour being transferred between agents 3 or 4 times. Earlier in the day, he was told that KLM would get to keep the money from our fares because it was not their fault that we missed the flight. The third agent he spoke with told us there was a flight that leaves Houston on Sunday and gets to Zambia late Monday night. But we would have to pay the full fare. I just began praying about this whole situation. I layed it at His feet. "Lord if it is your will for us to go please make it clear. If not, please close the door just like you did yesterday. Please just show us your will and give us peace and discernment." I felt at peace. There are so few times we allow ourselves to be completely at the mercy of God's will. But that is we're I was. The Lord had shown me the day before the things in my heart that needed to change. And in a matter of hours, He changed me. I went back to where my Dad was still on the phone with the airline. he had agreed to pay the full fare to get us there when then agent said she would have to transfer him again because she couldn't book it because it was through Air France instead of KLM. Transferred. My Dad starts the whole story all over again about how we missed arrived hours late in Houston and literally watched our flight leave without us. Then the agent tells him, " sir, you are already booked on the 4:05 flight for tomorrow, it's already done." There were no additional charges, no explanation, it was done. Who knew God was in the travel agent business?! Open door. So here we go again friends. At His mercy, we will drive to Houston in the morning, fly from Houston to Paris (which happens to be on my bucket list!), to Kenya, to Zambia. I don't think I have ever learned more about the Lord , myself and my relationship with Him in such a short period of time. He has so clearly worked in our lives in the last few days. I have a completely different perspective now. I feel better about going and I am anxious to see His next step for us. I am especially thankful for the time at home and the chance to say goodbye with more faith and less fear this time. I was reminded yesterday that we are to walk by faith and not by sight. There are things in this life that we will never understand or find the meaning of. Please continue to pray for His will to be done and for Him to prepare our path. THIS is my story.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Change of plans

Where do I even begin. The anticipation and tearful goodbyes are over and we begin the first leg of our journey to Zambia . We get settled in to catch our flight from Corpus Christi to Houston, then on to Amsterdam and Lusaka. Then we get news that our flight is slightly delayed. A little while later we learn we are slightly delayed again. Then we hear Houston is grounded. By this time we still have several hours to connect out of Houston. Delayed. Delayed. Delayed. Around 2:15 we finally board the plane for what should have been our 11:00 am flight. We taxi out to take off only to turn around and go back to the gate we just left. They open the door and let 2 people off and one person on. We try again. Finally in the air and I think air traffic control played a joke on the pilot. We flew a zig zag all the way to Houston. We finally arrive at IAH with a little over 20 minutes to get our bags, change terminals and check in. We had notified the airline and our pilot also called ahead for us. In the meantime, we are sitting on the Tarmac waiting for a gate. All the planes that pulled up after us pulled into their gates. We were still waiting. I look out the window and I watched our KLM flight 0662 leaving Houston without us on it. Pulled away from the gate and we were stuck in a plane. Helpless but hopeful. You would think after everything up to this point we would be panicked and irritated. Nope. I felt so at peace that the Lord had made different travel plans for Dad and I. It was so clear that all of this mess was from Him. And I was overwhelmed with His peace that surpassed what my little mind could attempt to make sense of. My heart kept reminding me that God knows the plans He has for us and His timing is perfect. We finally get to the gate and rush our separate ways to figure out what happens next. My Dad goes to baggage claim and I head to another terminal to find a KLM ticket desk. And before you know it I am rushing through the wrong terminal, lost, feeling pretty helpless but in His hands. I make my way to the area our flight left from just 20 minutes earlier. But it, unlike the rest of the airport which was completely chaotic, is now a ghosts town. No KLM agents to be found. I go outside security to the kLM ticket desk. No agents to be found,
Gone for the day. "Try the courtesy phone." no answer. It is becoming pretty clear. God's flight plans for us were very different than we thought.
we finally settle down with all of our luggage to figure out what is next. After sitting on hold with the toll free number, since all agents were gone for the day at 4:30. We find out our next chance to get to Zambia would be Sunday evening with stops in Atlanta, Paris, Kenya or South Africa. Which would put us in Zambia Wednesday of next week. We really feel that all of this mess was from the Lord. Very different than when the enemy interrupts your plans. We make the decision to change airports and catch a flight back to Corpus Christi. A few hours before, I was crying because we were leaving. Now I'm crying because we are going home. It doesn't make sense that we don't get to accomplish the mission we had planned. But it does make sense that my Dad got to witness to a young soldier that he wouldn't have met if our flight was in time. It doesn't make sense that I won't see sweet
Mwila's smile, but I do get to kiss my Emma goodnight and take her to her first day of pre k. It doesn't make sense that the Lord had prepared me to deliver a message to a village in Zambia on the Armor of God (Ephesians 6). But then again it does make sense, because I had to practice what I preach this week. I thought I would be sleeping in an economy class seat somewhere over the Atlantic ocean tonight. But God has us over the Gulf of Mexico instead. Headed home and heavy hearted. I couldn't have seen His master plan when I walked into the airport 12 hours earlier today. The preparation for this trip is not wasted. Mission Zambia 2012 was still life changing. We still have a story to share. We just didn't have to travel thousands of miles and cross hemispheres to learn it. I think the Lord just wanted to know we would take the first step. I've learned more about God today. This trip sure hasn't turned out how I thought it would. But I am confident it has turned out just how He planned it would. We have not been able to tell the rest of our team that is already in the bush about what has happened today. It is the middle of the night and they don't have phone service. We are comforted by your prayers and the reminders we have in His word. Like Jesus' command to a man in Mark 5:19 to go back home and share his story of what the Lord has done. And Paul's "change of plans" in 2 Corinthians 1:15-23. We saw God's fingerprints today. We saw them in our flight schedules, in the empty ticket windows and in the encouragement of scripture from our loved ones. But most of all in our peace-filled hearts as we head back home different than when we left 12 hours before. Only God can do that.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

So long Satan

So, I have recently learned that when your hearts desire is to serve the Lord and advance His Kingdom, it really ticks off the enemy! I should have seen it coming. Satan has littered the last few months of our lives with lots of his junk. But guess what? My God is FAR bigger than any schemes Satan tries to bring us down with! Satan wants to paralyze me with fear, worry, doubt and ridicule. He wants us to stay comfortable and he will launch a full attack when you go to work for the Lord. Satan has tried to keep this mission from happening for a long time. But Jesus won. I read this quote by Spurgeon this week, " I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against The Rock of Ages." Isn't it awesome that our God uses the junk Satan throws into our lives to turn into something beautiful, an experience we can look back and be thankful for. He allows that junk to fertilize our soul, and make us more like Him. Did you know we have the power to make Satan flee? There is a line in one of my favorite worship songs that says "the enemy, he has to leave, at the sound of Your great name! Jesus ". We don't tap into that power near enough. Here is an account of Jesus telling satan to flee.

" Jesus said to him, 'away from me, Satan! For it is written: worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.'"
- Matthew 4:10-11

My great grandmother would get up in the morning, pick up the broom, open the front door, start sweeping and say "get the hell out Satan!" He has no power over this mission but he may still throw things in our path to try to hinder God's work. Please pray against Satan while we are on this mission. Pray that me and my family can overcome our fears and worries with the Savior's peace and comfort. Pray that our travel is safe, smooth and without disruption. Pray that Lord would go before us and prepare every path and every heart to receive the message He will speak through us. Please use the power we have in Christ to pray us through this trip!